Re: Phix+EuGTK

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So far, not so good...

I get a seg fault, core dumped when I try to call a function contained in a library as a method.

Note that calling "gtk_window_new" to create a public "handle" to the new window works fine. Calling "gtk_widget_show" (or any other shared library routine) from within a class procedure fails.

Maybe there's something I am doing completely wrong.

constant LIB = open_dll(""), 
I = C_INT,   -- INTEGER 
P = C_PTR,   -- POINTER  
integer init = define_c_func(LIB,"gtk_init_check",{P,P},P) 
if init < 1 or c_func(init,{0,0})=0 then 
  crash("Failed to initialize GTK library!") 
end if 
class Window  
 public atom handle = c_func(define_c_func(LIB,"gtk_window_new",{I},P),{0}) 
 procedure show() 
   puts(1,"This handle: ") ? this.handle 
   c_proc(define_c_proc(LIB,"gtk_widget_show",{P}),{this.handle}) -- seg fault 
-- define_c_proc is the part that fails when inside a procedure 
 end procedure 
end class 
Window win = new() 
puts(1,"Win handle: ") ? win.handle 
procedure main() 
end procedure 
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