Re: Budget Builder - Euphoria display bug?

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irv said...

I've got the interface working fine, in less than 500 lines. Still to do is math to maintain balances. Roughly 8 hours of work thus far.

WOW! That looks really nice. smile

Calculating the balance shouldn't be hard, at least not if you calculate it on the fly for every display. You must be working on some interesting alternative method... less brute force, eh?

public function balance(integer rec) 
sequence data 
atom bal = 0 
    for i = 1 to rec do 
        data = db_record_data(i) 
        bal += data[$]-- data[$] is the + or - transaction amt  
    end for 
return bal 
end function 
atom bal  = balance(rec) -- or integer, if your storing as integers 

Regards, Ken

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