Re: Budget Builder file: register.e part 3, edit 1

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-- register.e part 3, edit 1 
public constant SELECT=13 -- flag to select search_year and/or search_month 
public procedure search(integer search_year = 0, integer search_month = 0) 
integer caption_flag = 1, cash_flag = 1, start = 1,  cont = 1  
sequence caption, table_text, search  
object note, key = 0, data = {} 
atom amt = 0, subtotal = 0, reg 
    search = upper(prompt_string("\n\tEnter search keyword: "))   
    caption = text:format("<keyword: []>",{search}) 
    if search_year    =  SELECT then search_year   =  select_year() end if 
    if search_year then caption &= text:format(" Year: []", search_year) end if 
    if search_month   =  SELECT then search_month  =  select_month() end if 
    if search_month then    caption &= text:format(" Month: []", search_month)  
    else                    caption &= text:format(" YEAR To DATE")     
    end if 
     while cont do  
        if find(current_table, {REGISTER, CASH}) then 
            table_text = text:format("*****[]*****",{db_current_table()}) 
        else return 
        end if 
        for rec = start to db_table_size() do 
            key = db_record_key(rec) 
            data = db_record_data(rec)  
            note = upper(data[1])    
            amt = data[2]/100 
            if match("AUTOLOG",note) then continue end if 
            if match(search, note) then 
                -- display keyword and initial table caption once 
                if caption_flag then 
                    center_display(caption, rightMargin) 
                    if equal(db_current_table(),CASH) then 
                        cash_flag = 0 
                    end if 
                    caption_flag = 0 
                end if 
                -- display new table caption once 
                if cont = 2 then 
                    if cash_flag then center_display(table_text,rightMargin+5) end if 
                    cash_flag = 0 
                end if 
                if search_year and search_month then 
                    -- update subtotal for search month 
                    if key[MONTH] = search_month then  
                        subtotal += amt  
                        display_full_note(rec, 1) -- 0 = do not truncate  
                    end if 
                    -- update subtotal for all years/months   
                    subtotal += amt  
                    display_full_note(rec, 1)  -- 1 = truncate  
                end if 
            end if 
         end for 
        -- display subtotal for current table 
        if subtotal then  
        end if 
        -- after display of search subtotal for registry table 
        -- assign subtotal to reg variable and reset subtotal = 0 
        if cont = 1 then  
            reg = subtotal  
            subtotal = 0 
        end if 
        -- after display of search subtotal for cash table  
        -- display total of search for both tables  
        if cont = 2 then  
            if subtotal then  
            end if  
        end if 
        cont  += 1 
        if cont = 2 then  
            cont = 0  
        end if 
    end while 
-- return to register     
any_key("\n\nPress Any Key to continue...") 
end procedure 
procedure draw_line(integer dash = 1) 
sequence FILL 
    if dash then set_foreground_color(HLC)  FILL = "-" 
    else         set_foreground_color(FGC)  FILL = " " 
    end if 
    for i = 1  to rightMargin-5 do  puts(1,FILL) end for 
end procedure 
function get_highlight_record_number(datetime dt = now()) 
integer rec_num-- returns rec #  
    rec_num = db_find_key(dt) 
    if rec_num > 0 then return rec_num 
    elsif rec_num < 0 then return -rec_num-2 
    else return 0 
    end if 
end function 
-- end register.e part 3, edit 1 
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