Re: Shooting Multiple Bullets

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Thank you. However I had to fix a couple of things. Like putting the for loop in between the begin and end drawing functions. Also, when the last bullet of the array is done, there is a subscript value out of bounds error.

Value 1 is out of bounds, reading from a sequence length of 0 in subscript #1 of "bullets"

without warning 
include std/machine.e 
include std/get.e 
include std/convert.e 
include EuRaylib.ew 
include flags.e 
atom Width=1024 
atom Height=720 
constant TRUE=1 
constant FALSE=0 
atom black = bytes_to_int({0,0,0,0}) 
atom red = bytes_to_int({255,0,0,255}) 
atom bullet_speed = 5.0 
integer bullet_visible = FALSE 
constant X=1,Y=2 
sequence bullets = {} 
while not WindowShouldClose() do 
	if IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) then 
		atom bullet_x = GetScreenWidth() / 2 
		atom bullet_y = GetScreenHeight() / 2 
		bullets = append(bullets,{bullet_x,bullet_y}) 
	end if 
	for i = length(bullets) to 1 by -1 do 
		bullets[i][X] += bullet_speed 
		if (bullets[i][X] >= GetScreenWidth()) then 
			bullets = remove(bullets,i) 
		end if 
	end for 
end while 
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