Re:, early preliminary redesign

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ghaberek said...
Senator said...

Should Shian's fork from 32 bit euphoria 3.1 be referenced in the new materials?

I don't see why we should continue to promote previous versions of the language.

Normally, I'd be fine with having multiple languages as part of the Euphoria family (see for example OpenEuphoria and Phix). However, the forum has exactly three registered users, at least two of whom are Shian. Shian admits on the forum to not being a C programmer in a post there ( /forum/viewtopic.php?id=7 ). I don't see a repository or anything, so I doubt that he's maintaining a true fork.

In other words, it's not worth referencing because there's not yet really anything there.

Also, that site mentions 4x but goes to great lengths to avoid referencing this site (it references the defunct site even when mentioning the downloads).

ghaberek said...

I don't even understand the appeal in still using the 3.x line, aside from DOS development.


Actually, even that is puzzling. I recall asking one of the DOS support groups about this, but their conclusion was that they'd just get the Windoze version of the console version of OE working on DOS with some kind of emulator.

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