Simple Raylib Example

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Hello All,

I got a little bored, so I modified the bouncing ball example. How with two bouncing balls and collision detection between them! All you need to run this example is Euphoria the Eurayib wrapper.

without warning 
include std/machine.e 
include std/convert.e 
include flags.e 
include Euraylib.ew 
atom w = 800, h = 450 
InitWindow(w,h,"Bouncing Ball") 
atom ball_x = rand(GetScreenWidth()) / 2 
atom ball_y = rand(GetScreenHeight()) / 2 
atom ball_speed_x = 5.0 
atom ball_speed_y = 4.0 
atom ball_rad = 20 
atom ball2_rad = 20 
atom ball2_x = GetScreenWidth() / 2 
atom ball2_y = GetScreenHeight() / 2 
atom ball2_speed_x = 6.0 
atom ball2_speed_y = 5.0 
integer paused = 0 
integer frameCounter = 0 
atom b = bytes_to_int({0,0,0,0}) 
atom g = bytes_to_int({0,255,0,255}) 
atom r = bytes_to_int({255,0,0,255}) 
while not WindowShouldClose() do 
	if IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) and paused = 0 then 
		paused = 1 
		elsif IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) and paused = 1 then 
			paused = 0 
	end if 
	if paused = 0 then 
		ball_x += ball_speed_x 
		ball_y += ball_speed_y 
		ball2_x += ball2_speed_x 
		ball2_y += ball2_speed_y 
		if ((ball_x >= (GetScreenWidth() - ball_rad)) or (ball_x <= ball_rad)) then 
			ball_speed_x *= -1.0 
		elsif ((ball_y >= (GetScreenHeight() - ball_rad)) or (ball_y <= ball_rad)) then 
			ball_speed_y *= -1.0 
		end if 
		if ((ball2_x >= (GetScreenWidth() - ball2_rad)) or (ball2_x <= ball2_rad)) then 
			ball2_speed_x *= -1.0 
		elsif ((ball2_y >= (GetScreenHeight() - ball2_rad)) or (ball2_y <= ball2_rad)) then 
			ball2_speed_y *= -1.0 
		end if 
		if CheckCollisionCircles(ball_x,ball_y,ball_rad,ball2_x,ball2_y,ball2_rad) then 
			ball_speed_x *= -1.0 
			ball_speed_y *= -1.0 
			ball2_speed_x *= -1.0 
			ball2_speed_y *= -1.0 
		end if 
	end if 
	frameCounter += 1 
	if paused = 1  and frameCounter / 30 then 
	end if 
end while 
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