Re: Raylib 3D
- Posted by Icy_Viking Jul 12, 2019
Maccuq said...
It works when you write it this way.
xBeginMode3D = define_c_proc(ray,"+BeginMode3D",{C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_INT}), public procedure BeginMode3D(atom px, atom py, atom pz, atom tx, atom ty, atom tz, atom ux, atom uy, atom uz, atom fov, integer mode) c_proc(xBeginMode3D,{px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, ux, uy, uz, fov, mode}) end procedure
Thank you Maccuq, it works!
EDIT: I've also updated some of the functions for rectangles and the Camera2D function as well. After looking at the raylib.h and structs and making Euraylib more Euphoria friendly. With all these structs, it sure would be nice if Euphoria had a built in struct system, hopefully in the very near future. ;)
include std/machine.e include std/convert.e include flags.e include Euraylib.ew atom width = 800 atom height = 450 InitWindow(width,height,"3D Stuff") constant Vector3_X = 0, Vector3_Y = 4, Vector3_Z = 8, SIZEOF_VECTOR3 = 12, $ constant Camera3D_Position = 0, Camera3D_Target = 12, Camera3D_Up = 24, Camera3D_Fovy = 36, Camera3D_Type = 40, SIZEOF_CAMERA3D = 44, $ atom cam = allocate_data(SIZEOF_CAMERA3D) mem_set(cam,0,SIZEOF_CAMERA3D) procedure poke_float(atom p,atom f) poke(p,atom_to_float32(f)) end procedure atom blue = bytes_to_int({0,0,255,255}) atom white = bytes_to_int({255,255,255,255}) SetTargetFPS(60) public procedure SetCameraPosition(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraTarget(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraUp(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraFOVY(atom cam,atom fovy) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Fovy,fovy) end procedure public procedure SetCameraType(atom cam,integer xtype) poke4(cam + Camera3D_Type,xtype) end procedure SetCameraPosition(cam,0,10.0,10.0) SetCameraTarget(cam,0,0,0) SetCameraUp(cam,0,1,0) SetCameraFOVY(cam,45.0) SetCameraType(cam,CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) while not WindowShouldClose() do BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(white) BeginMode3D(0,10.0,10.0,0,0,0,0,1,0,45.0,CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) DrawCube(-4.0,0.0,2.0,2.0,5.0,2.0,blue) DrawGrid(10,1.0) EndMode3D() DrawFPS(1,1) EndDrawing() end while CloseWindow()