Re: Raylib 3D
- Posted by Icy_Viking Jul 11, 2019
Thanks Greg,
I made the adjustments, I still can't see the cube in the example program I'm trying to make, though. I have updated the flags.e for the camera flags, which can be found at my github.
include std/machine.e include std/convert.e include flags.e include Euraylib.ew atom width = 800 atom height = 450 InitWindow(width,height,"3D Stuff") constant Vector3_X = 0, Vector3_Y = 4, Vector3_Z = 8, SIZEOF_VECTOR3 = 12, $ constant Camera3D_Position = 0, Camera3D_Target = 12, Camera3D_Up = 24, Camera3D_Fovy = 36, Camera3D_Type = 40, SIZEOF_CAMERA3D = 44, $ atom cam = allocate_data(SIZEOF_CAMERA3D) mem_set(cam,0,SIZEOF_CAMERA3D) procedure poke_float(atom p,atom f) poke(p,atom_to_float32(f)) end procedure atom blue = bytes_to_int({0,0,255,255}) atom white = bytes_to_int({255,255,255,255}) SetTargetFPS(60) public procedure SetCameraPosition(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Position + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraTarget(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Target + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraUp(atom cam,atom x,atom y,atom z) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_X,x) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_Y,y) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Up + Vector3_Z,z) end procedure public procedure SetCameraFOVY(atom cam,atom fovy) poke_float(cam + Camera3D_Fovy,fovy) end procedure public procedure SetCameraType(atom cam,integer xtype) poke4(cam + Camera3D_Type,xtype) end procedure SetCameraPosition(cam,0,10.0,10.0) SetCameraTarget(cam,0,0,0) SetCameraUp(cam,0,1,0) SetCameraFOVY(cam,45.0) SetCameraType(cam,CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) while not WindowShouldClose() do BeginDrawing() ClearBackground(white) BeginMode3D(cam) DrawCube(-4.0,0.0,2.0,2.0,5.0,2.0,blue) DrawGrid(10,1.0) EndMode3D() DrawFPS(1,1) EndDrawing() end while CloseWindow()