Re:, early preliminary redesign

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irv said...

If we agree that one of the purposes of the website is to attract "new" programmers - that is, people just starting to learn some language, then we need to be sure that the website is appealing to those folks.

It's likely that they would tend to be younger - school, college, or recent graduates.

One of the things that is easy to see if you spend much time on the web is that people in this age group (this is a generalization, don't anyone get upset) often have mild receptive aphasia. (They aren't good with words.)

Faced with a page of text with no images, they'll probably click elsewhere.

I suggest adding a scrolling sidebar on the main page with screenshots, at the very least. And colors. Pretty colors blink

I agree with this. When I found out about Euphoria in my teens, the bright colorful rainbow like logo attracted me to it. Having a rainbow-like colored mongoose might not look the best, and I'm not suggesting that. However, I think adding some screenshots as irv said would be a good idea.

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