Re: Wrap-around search algorithm
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Apr 19, 2019
Pseudo code:
This way you can even highlight all the matches, but make the current one a bright highlight:
sequence matches sequence lastStrFind = "" procedure find(sequence strFind = lastStrFind, integer bDirection) integer cursorPos = current_cursor_position() if length(strFind) = 0 then if length(lastStrFind) = 0 then return else strFind = lastStrFind end if end if matches = match_all( strFind, docText ) if bDirection = Forward then if cursorPos < matches[1] then -- at the top, just go to first found elsif cursorPos > matches[$] then -- at end of document, wrap to first in matches[] else for t=1 to length(matches) docText if matches[t] > cursorPos then highlightFound( matches[t-1], length(strFind) ) exit end if end for end if else -- do it backwards style end if lastStrFind = strFind end procedure
This way you don't have to keep the matching string in memory, but it doesn't allow you to highlight all the matches:
pos = match( strFind, docText, currentCursorPosition ) if pos = 0 then pos = match( strFind, docText, 0 ) if pos = 0 then -- NOT FOUND end if else setHighlight( pos, length(strFind) ) end if
I also like in MS VS Code how if I select text, it lightly highlights all matching text in the document. If I highlight a variable name, for example, it subtly shows me all places on the page where that variable appears. Very nice!
Looks like Notepad++ also does the selection highlighting.