Help me wrap PahoMQTT
- Posted by xfox26 Apr 04, 2019
Hi, I have some personal IOT projects, like a "smart" fridge to make homebrew beer, and decided to do an upgrade on my code, had the idea to add mqtt as the communication protocol.
I have limited knoledge of C, but decided to try to wrap pahomqtt library, documented here:
I'm stuck, trying to get my head around this C struct
C lib download at or
Can someone help me get this struct on EU code?
My wrapper so far:
include std/dll.e include std/machine.e include std/console.e atom paho_c_dll = open_dll("paho-mqtt3c.dll") if paho_c_dll <= 0 then abort(1) end if atom xMQTTClient_getVersionInfo = define_c_func(paho_c_dll, "+MQTTClient_getVersionInfo",{}, C_POINTER) atom xMQTTClient_create = define_c_func(paho_c_dll, "+MQTTClient_create", {C_HANDLE, C_POINTER ,C_POINTER, C_INT, C_INT}, C_INT) atom xMQTTClient_connect = define_c_func(paho_c_dll, "+MQTTClient_connect", {C_HANDLE, C_POINTER}, C_INT) function MQTTClient_getVersionInfo() atom ret = c_func(xMQTTClient_getVersionInfo, {}) sequence ptrs = peek4u({ret,2}) return {peek_string(ptrs[1]),peek_string(ptrs[2])} end function function MQTTClient_create(sequence server_uri, sequence client_id, atom persistence_type, atom persistence_context) atom hndl = allocate(4) atom ptr_server_uri = allocate_string(server_uri) atom ptr_client_id = allocate_string(client_id) atom ret = c_func(xMQTTClient_create, {hndl, ptr_server_uri ,ptr_client_id ,persistence_type, persistence_context}) free(ptr_server_uri) free(ptr_client_id) if ret = 0 then return hndl else return ret end if end function function MQTTClient_connect(atom hndl) --where madness hit me atom MQTTClient_connectOptions MQTTClient_connectOptions = 0 return c_func(xMQTTClient_connect, {hndl, MQTTClient_connectOptions}) end function --versioninfo works ;) sequence ver = MQTTClient_getVersionInfo() display(ver)
sorry about my bad english