[tutor] こんにちは世界。 "Hello World"

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A console example

The oE|Phix programming languages are written in plain text.

You can use any people language for the name of your program file and string data.

In these examples I used google translate to make Euphoria programs that operate in Japanese.

-- oE 
include std/console.e 
atom answer = prompt_number("続行するには1を入力してください。", {} ) 
if answer = 1 then 
    puts(1, "こんにちは世界。") 
    puts(1, "さようなら。" ) 
end if 

Phix has "autoinclude" so it is a bit simpler.

atom answer = prompt_number("続行するには1を入力してください。", {} ) 
if answer = 1 then 
    puts(1, "こんにちは世界。") 
    puts(1, "さようなら。" ) 
end if 

Google translate provided

続行するには1を入力してください。 Please enter 1 to continue.
こんにちは世界。 Hello world.
さようなら。 Goodbye.

An example using oE and euGTK.

I saved the following file as こんにちは世界 . The file name こんにちは世界 now shows up in the title bar of the GTK window.

The "Quit" button is still English. You could invent your own buttons if you wish.

--# Yet Another Hello World! program 
include GtkEngine.e 
constant --[1] create the widgets; 
    win = create(GtkWindow,"border width=10,icon=face-laugh,$destroy=Quit"), 
    pan = create(GtkBox,"orientation=vertical"),  
    box = create(GtkButtonBox), 
    btn = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit", "Quit"), 
    lbl = create(GtkLabel,"color=blue") 
    --[2] style the label; 
    set(lbl,"markup", -- style the text using basic html; 
    "<b><u><span color='red'><big>こんにちは世界</big></span></u></b>\n\n" & 
    --[3] add widgets to containers; 
show_all(win) --[4] instantiate widgets; 
main()        --[5] enter main processing loop; 

You can customize an oE|Phix program for any people language with little effort. You do not have to fully understand UTF and fonts to make this happen.


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