Re: How to create an UUID (Version 1)

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The namespace usage gives us the ability to make drop in replacements of one library for another. Now, you really only benefit from a better implementation this way. Suppose someone writes an improved regex library and all of your code is using std/regex.e as re. You simply replace the include lines with "include my_betterrelibrary.e as re" and you are good to go.

So, that's why we use namespaces. As for always using new for creating new things. As a developer of a Euphoria do you want to use a thesaurus in order to name the constructor? As a user I don't want to remember whether the developer called it new, or create, or some other thing. Let's try to keep things consistent.

I open the HTML docs and type in new and I see all the options. A similar thing happens when using neon-eclipse as between GUI frameworks there copies of terms like Iterator that exist in both but are different things so the software offers to include anyone that has iterator. An editor has a lot of context, and also a browser does. As a proposed change if you happen to be on the regex page before searching, the javascript could highlight regex's new in bold, for example.

Let's keep 'new' short and sweet.

SD Pringle

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