[Phix] Compilation error

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This simple script runs without problem when interpreted:

include builtins/regex.e 
function by_ilosc(object a, object b) 
    return compare(b[2], a[2]) 
end function 
integer y, l = 0 
sequence unique_words = {} 
sequence pairs = {} 
puts(1, "Reading the file...\n") 
object fn = open("Hamlet.txt","r") 
sequence whole_text = lower(get_text(fn)) 
puts(1, "Counting...\n") 
whole_text = gsub("[^a-z]", whole_text, " ") 
sequence all_words = split(whole_text, no_empty:=true) 
for x = 1 to length(all_words) do 
    if length(all_words[x]) > 1 or equal(all_words[x], "a") or equal(all_words[x], "i") then 
        y = find(all_words[x], unique_words) 
        if y > 0 then 
            unique_words[y + 1] = unique_words[y + 1] + 1 
            unique_words = append(unique_words, all_words[x]) 
            unique_words = append(unique_words, 1) 
        end if 
        l = l + 1 
    end if 
end for 
puts(1, "Sorting and writing the result to the file...\n") 
for x = 1 to length(unique_words) by 2 do 
    pairs = append(pairs, {unique_words[x], unique_words[x + 1]}) 
end for 
fn = open("words.txt","w") 
puts(fn, "All words: " & sprint(l) & "\n") 
puts(fn, "Unique words: " & sprint(length(pairs)) & "\n\n") 
sequence sorted_pairs = custom_sort( routine_id("by_ilosc"), pairs) 
for x = 1 to length(sorted_pairs) do 
    puts(fn, to_string(sorted_pairs[x][1]) & " - " & sprint(sorted_pairs[x][2]) & "\n") 
end for 
puts(1, "Done!\n") 

However, when I try to compile it I get an error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\pilx86.e:4372 in function jskip() 
attempt to subscript an atom 
    skip = 2 
    noofitems = <novalue> 
    skiptgt = 593 
    mergeSet = 3 
    waspc = 520 
    xpc = <novalue> 
... called from C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\pilx86.e:4486 in function jend() 
    ilen = 8 
    k = <novalue> 
    jcode = <novalue> 
Global & Local Variables 
--> see /home/tom/Documents/Rozne/Coding/Euphoria/ex.err 

The ex.err file is... 21135 lines long. BTW I'm using Linux, so the C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\pilx86.e part is another mystery for me...

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