Re: OpenEuphoria and WebASM

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euphoric said...

I gave it another spin... After creating and building the hello world in C example on I downloaded it and tried to run it locally, at which point I got

Fetch API cannot load file:///C:/Users/Pete/Downloads/wasm-project/out/main.wasm. URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request. 

So I uploaded it to my web page and ran it, to get a green screen with a 0 on it, and I had to open Developer Tools and click on Console to see the "Hello World".

I conclude that decent examples are still very hard to find, and that


would become

 Edit->Compile to wasm->Login to cPanel->Zip->Upload->Unzip->Open web Page->Open Developer Tools->Open Console->Scratch Head->Rinse, Cycle, Repeat 

as compared to [or maybe not, see last point below]

 Edit->Compile to Javascript->Run Locally->Scratch Head->Rinse, Cycle, Repeat 

and I'm still not really getting what wasm offers that js does not...

To end on one positive idea stemming from all this though:

Just as main.js in that wasm example contains

 let x = '../out/main.wasm'; 

a js-only solution might look more like

  <script src="./compiled.js"></script> 
  <script src="./main.js"></script> 

and in that way we might only have to create fairly straightforward data (il/bytecode of our own design) rather than actual js code.
(Of course we still have to write main.js which contains lots of js code, what I am saying is we might not have to write a program which writes lots of complex js code.)
(Plus, we could possibly have a main.e (and a compiled.e pretty similar to the compiled.js) which emulates main.js in a local/debug-able fashion...)


PS: This looks quite interesting, and all done in a single source file of just 6087 lines of fairly readable vanilla js:
PPS: An even simpler starting point (<250 lines of js):

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