EuGTK Convert Units

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Hello All,

I have been trying to write a EuGTK interface for Jim Roberts unit conversion library:

-- Measurement Conversion function (second update) 
-- (c2001) Jim Roberts 
sequence Unit 
 integer l 
  Unit = { 
-- Length 
-- Time 
-- Velocity 
-- Angles 
-- Angular velocity 
-- Area 
-- Volume 
-- Weight 
-- Pressure 
-- Energy 
   {"j",1, "kj", 1000,"mj", 1000000, "erg",1e7,"btu",9.48e-04,"ft*lbs",.7376, 
   "w*hr",2.778e-4,"kw*hr",2.778e-7, "kcal", 0.000239006} 
  l = length(Unit) 
global function convert_unit(atom val, sequence from, sequence To ) 
    integer f, t, i1, i2 
    f = 0 
    t = 0 
    for a = 1 to l do                 -- indexes from and To units 
	if not f then f = find(from, Unit[a])  i1=a  end if 
	if not t then t = find(  To, Unit[a])  i2=a  end if 
    end for 
    if not f or not t then 
	return {not f, not t, 0}      -- Error for unsupported units 
    end if 
    if i1 != i2  then 
	return {-1, -1, 0}            -- Error for mis-matched units 
    end if 
    val /= Unit[i1][f+1]              -- converts val to base unit 
    val *= Unit[i1][t+1]              -- converts val to To unit 
    return {0, 0, val}                -- return no error and converted value 
end function 
-- additional routines added by Kenneth Rhodes 
-- index of categories 
global constant index = {"Length", "Time", "Velocity", "Angles",  "Angular Velocity","Area", "Volume",  "Weight", "Pressure", "Energy"} 
global object  ul  = 	{ 		-- unit labels 
				       {},  	-- sequence of "from" unit labels 
				       {}   	-- sequence of "to" unit labels 
global constant Fr =1, To=2	--  sequence ul (unit labels) subsequence index 
						--  used to select "from" and "to" unit labels 
--obtain sequence of category unit labels  from index sequence 
global function SelectUnit(sequence category) 
   integer i 
   object cs ={} 
   i = find(category, index)  
   for a = 1  to length(Unit[i]) by 2 do 
      cs = append(cs, Unit[i][a])  
   end for 
return cs 
end function 
-- test 
--sequence s = select_unit("Length") 
--for x = 1 to length(s)  do 
--   printf(1, "%s\n", {s[x]}) 
--end for 

I have encountered a number of problems. My plan was/is to use a ComboBox to display the sequence of unit categories from which I could select a specific category to use such as "length" or "area".

I envisioned a simple horizontal window layout with six "fields":

Category[index] [v1] [unit label 1] to [unit label 2] [v2]

"Category" is a label, [index] is a GtkComboBoxText displaying an index sequence of unit categories from which a specific category can be selected such as "length" or "area". The selected category then becomes "current" and is used as an index to select a sequence of unit labels pertinent to the current category from the master Unit sequence.

[v1] is a GtkEntry field where the user enters the value to be converted.

[unit label 1] is a GtkComboBoxText displaying the sequence list of unit labels pertinent to the selected category. From this list the unit label/type for the value v1 is selected.

"To" is a label

[unit label 2] is a GtkComboBox displaying the same list of unit labels, perhaps with label previously selected for unit label 1 removed. From this list The target "To" unit label/type is selected

[v2] is a calculated field displays the new value converted from v1.

Well, I can display and select from the index sequence and pass the selection to the two unit label combo boxes. I also can enter and retrieve a numeric value for V1. I cannot obtain a calculated converted value for V2.

My update routine does not work. I can select a new index category but it seems that my unit labels are stuck listing the unit labels for the initial listed category in the index sequence, "length".

-- ConvertUnits.exw 
-- adapted from Irv's GtkComboBoxText Demo 
--# GtkComboBoxText selects from a limited set of choices. 
-- This is fine for most purposes, and easy to set up. See the GTk docs on how to 
-- use a GtkComboBox with a model for more complex uses.  
include GtkEngine.e 
include convert.e 
--constant docs = "<b><u>Convert Units</u></b>" 
constant docs = "Unit Catgory" 
    win = create(GtkWindow,"border_width=10,position=1,$destroy=Quit"), 
    panel = create(GtkBox,"orientation=HORIZONTAL,spacing=10"), 
    lbl = create(GtkLabel), 
    cb1 = create(GtkComboBoxText),  -- index 
    V1 = create(GtkEntry,"width-chars=8"), -- value to convert  
    cb2 = create(GtkComboBoxText),  -- "From" unit labels 
    cb3 = create(GtkComboBoxText),   -- "To" unit labels 
    V2 = create(GtkEntry,"width-chars=8, %activate=ConvertUnit"), 
    btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox,"spacing=5"), 
    btn1 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok","Selection"), 
    btn2 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit") 
    object ToV 
    set(cb1,"active",1)  -- see Note below 
    add(V1, "text") 
    ul[Fr] = SelectUnit(get(cb1, "active text")) 
    add(cb2, ul[Fr]) 
    ul[To] = SelectUnit(get(cb1, "active text")) 
    add(cb3, ul[To]) 
    add(V2, "text") 
    add(panel, V1) 
    add(panel, V2) 
global function UpDate() 
atom x 
    get(cb1, "text") 
    get(V1, "text") 
    set(V1, "active", 1) 
    ul[Fr] = SelectUnit(get(cb1, "active text")) 
    set(cb2, ul[Fr], "active", 1) 
    ul[To] = SelectUnit(get(cb1, "active text")) 
     set(cb3, ul[To], "active", 1) 
    x = Convert_Unit() 
    set(V2, x, 0) 
return 1 
end function 
global function Convert_Unit() 
atom x 
x = get(V1, "text") 
x= to_number(x) 
 ToV =   convert_unit(  x,  
                                    sprintf("%s", {get(cb2, "active text")}),  
                                    sprintf("%s", {get(cb3, "active text")})) 
--                convert_unit(x,  get(cb2, "active text"), get(cb3, "active text")) 
 x = ToV[3] 
 set(V2, x) 
 return x 
end function 
global function Selection()  
return Info(win,"Unit Conversion",{ get(cb1,"active text"), to_number(get(V1,"text")),get(cb2,"active text"), " to ", get(cb3,"active text"), " = ", get(V2, "text")}) 
end function 
-- Note:  
--  We set the first item to be 'active', which means it will 
--  be the one initially shown. Otherwise, nothing will be shown  
--  until the user clicks to drop down the list of items. 
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