Re: Shian Lee's Unicode/Utf8 editor, "edu.ex" Tricks and Tips

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-- more JAPI GUI fun code for edu.ex 
-- the following code allows the user to open a new file or existing file 
-- in a new window by using the keystrokes ESC N 
-- or open an new or existing file in the current window using 
-- using keystrokes ESC n 
-- An existing file can be opened in a new window 
-- using the keystrokes ESC O 
-- or open and existing file in the current window 
-- using the keystrokes ESC o 
include japi.e 
procedure new_file(boolean NewFile) 
sequence answer 
  if modified and last_use() then 
    while TRUE do 
	putsu("save changes to " & file_name & '?') 
	answer = key_gets("yn", {}) 
	if find('y', answer) then 
	elsif find('n', answer) then 
	end if 
    end while 
   end if 
   if j_start() then 
    if NewFile then 
      -- open new file: new_file(TRUE) 
      -- j_fileselect allows user to type in a new file name 
      -- or select an existing file from an unsorted file 
      -- list 
      answer = j_fileselect(j_frame(""), "Select File", "*.e*") 
      -- open existing file: new_file(FALSE) 
      -- j_filedialog allow user to only open an existing file 
      --  from a sorted file list 
      answer = j_filedialog(j_frame(""),"Open File","*.e*")  
    end if 
     set_top_line("new file name (Esc=List): ") 
     answer = delete_trailing_white(key_gets("", file_history)) 
   end if 
   if length(answer) != 0 then 
     file_name = answer 
     stop = TRUE 
     new_file_from_list() -- (Shian) 
   end if 
end procedure 
procedure get_escape(boolean help) 
-- comment out the current command = key_gets~ line 
-- and add the following line: 
command = key_gets("hcqswnNoOedfrlmvj", {}) & '' 
-- comment out the current elsif command[1] = 'n' line 
-- and add the following lines: 
    elsif command[1] = 'n' or command[1] = 'N' then 
	-- new file in new or current window 
      if command[1] = 'N' then 
	    -- new file in new window 
       end if 
       -- open a new file in current window 
    elsif command[1] = 'o' or command[1] = 'O' then 
	  -- open and existing file in new or current window 
	if command[1] = 'O' then 
		-- open an existing file in new window 
	end if 
		-- open an existing file in current window 
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