Re: SWITCH question
- Posted by Ekhnat0n Jan 07, 2018
And what does it in (ALL-some) cases? Because even if it calls New_Double, it calls it with a value far less precise than New_Double itself can represent!
Once I have my own system going again (major HDD-crash) and both Euphoria and Phix installed again, which was a pain in the southern part of my back, to be honest, I will check every option, including the crashes, because switch ONLY crashes if it is fed with (by switch indigestible) stuff in whatever way.
On top of that, one of my own plans has top-priority right now as it includes creating a channel on youtube and the necessary clips or movies for it, where I do both video & audio myself, including writing the music-score as well and finally record all using my Yamaha-kbd)