Re: SWITCH question

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irv said...

Some of the other switch failures seem to come from be_execute.c around line 2030 - specifically when the call to thread() is executed.

Does it still crash if you define INT_CODES? (Look at Makefile.gnu and add -DINT_CODES to EOSFLAGS). By specifying to build the interpreter with INT_CODES you can skip over all this assembly/goto stuff. With INT_CODES, the IL codes are instead processed one at a time, more slowly ... by a big switch statement.

irv said...

Now we are deep into the land of assembly language. Should we abandon all hope?

I know exactly what this is. Basically, we convert the IL codes into a set of memory addresses, and then we use a goto to jump to the code that handles a particular IL instruction.

irv said...

thread() is defined on line 803:

#define thread() do { __asm { JMP [pc] } } while(0) 

Incidently, this is the wrong one. This definition is only used when compiling against MSVC on Windoze.

This is the one used on Unix/MinGW:

#if defined(EUNIX) || defined(EMINGW) 
// these GNU-based compilers support dynamic labels, 
// so threading is much easier 
#define thread() goto *((void *)*pc) 
#define thread2() {pc += 2; goto *((void *)*pc);} 
#define thread4() {pc += 4; goto *((void *)*pc);} 
#define thread5() {pc += 5; goto *((void *)*pc);} 
#define inc3pc() pc += 3 
#define BREAK goto *((void *)*pc) 
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