Re: Simple question

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irv said...

What would really be helpful, (if it's possible) would be to color nested statements differently:

if a = 1 then  (red) 
  -- some stuff 
  if b = 2 then (green) 
   -- do something 
  end if  (green) 
  -- other stuff 
end if  (red) 
Because often there's a lot of "do something" and "stuff" code in between, and if you aren't really careful about indenting properly, it's hard to find the matching end.

Theoretically possible - certainly. Edita, and now its planned cross-platform replacement Edix, has a "bCfwd" thing that handles brackets just like that, probably not that hard to adapt, but...

Edita/Edix also have Tools/Reindent, which certainly helps, and I would say that approach is better.

However, even better, Ctrl [ and Ctrl ] jump from the end if to the if and back - and in fact I just finished that in Edix only a couple of days ago.

As to when or indeed whether Edix will ever be finished, well...


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