Re: How to get list of output of find command of Linux

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I quickly tried that code on Phix, and apart from the parameter default of current_dir() not being supported on Phix (really must fix that some day), and wildcard_match(), it works fine.
One of the reasons for doing so was that I thought of a slightly better way to manage the queue (some comments stripped for clarity):

function get_files(sequence path="", sequence wildname="*", integer maxdepth=0)  
-- path     : directory path to scan  
-- wildname : wildcard pattern to look for  
-- maxdepth : maximum folder depth to scan within path  
    path = iff(path=""?current_dir():get_proper_path(path)) 
    integer depth = 1 
    sequence files = {}, 
             queue = {path,depth,{}} 
    while length(queue) do  
        {path,depth,queue} = queue 
        object d = dir(path)  
        if sequence(d) then  
            for i=1 to length(d) do  
                string {name,attr} = d[i]  
                if not find(name,{".",".."}) then  
                    string full_path = join_path({path,name})  
                    if find('d',attr) then  
                        if maxdepth=0 or depth<maxdepth then  
                            queue = {full_path,depth+1,queue} 
                        end if  
                    elsif wildcard_match(wildname, name) then  
                        files = append(files, full_path)  
                    end if  
                end if  
            end for  
         end if  
    end while  
    return files  
end function  

Not at all sure that will work on OE, and I can accept that a "flat" queue might be slightly more efficient, but I was aiming for elegance.


PS: On recursion vs iteration, Greg may have slightly exaggerated, but is essentially correct. An iterative solution will create just one queue and plant each element in the result sequence files just once, and will therefore always be slightly more efficient than a recursive solution, but any difference in performance is probably insignificant. In the end, whichever you find easier (recursion vs iteration), to understand and maintain, is the one to use.

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