Re: How to get list of output of find command of Linux

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I would not recommend using system() to make an external call to find. That method is not portable and should be considered bad practice.

Here is the method I for recursively finding files in a directory without using walk_dir() and without making recursive calls to the same function.

Essentially, we just keep a running queue of the directories we'd like to scan while adding the files found to a list for output.

include std/filesys.e 
include std/wildcard.e 
public function get_files( sequence path = current_dir(), sequence name = "*", integer maxdepth = 0 ) 
-- path     : directory path to scan 
-- name     : wildcard pattern to look for 
-- maxdepth : maximum folder depth to scan within path 
    integer depth 
    sequence files, queue, item, full_path 
    object items 
    depth = 1 
    files = {} 
    path = canonical_path( path ) 
    -- push initial path into queue 
    queue = { {path,depth} } 
    while length( queue ) do 
        -- pop an item off the queue 
        item = queue[1] 
        queue = queue[2..$] 
        -- get the queue item values 
        path = item[1] 
        depth = item[2] 
        -- get the directory items 
        items = dir( path ) 
        if atom( items ) then 
            -- error 
        end if 
        for i = 1 to length( items ) do 
            item = items[i] 
            if find( item[D_NAME], {".",".."} ) then 
                -- skip these entries 
            end if 
            full_path = join_path({ path, item[D_NAME] }) 
            if find( 'd', item[D_ATTRIBUTES] ) then 
                -- is a directory 
                if maxdepth = 0 or depth < maxdepth then 
                    -- queue this directory 
                    queue = append( queue, {full_path,depth+1} ) 
                end if 
                -- is a file 
                if wildcard:is_match( name, item[D_NAME] ) then 
                    -- add this to the output 
                    files = append( files, full_path ) 
                end if 
            end if 
        end for 
    end while 
    return files 
end function 


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