Phix news

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Just thought I might try and lift spirits a bit.

The next release of Phix will allow the following handy little thing:

  {string name, integer id} = rhs 

Which declares and assigns two new variables (of different types, obviously) on-the-fly.

There will also be a new regex engine and json module (both already available via bitbucket).

I have also just finished exception handling (try/catch) on the internal version, eg:

    integer i = 1/0 
catch e 
    printf(1,"%s (%s line %d)\n",{e[E_USER],e[E_FILE],e[E_LINE]}) 
end try 
puts(1,"Yes, I'm still running...\n") 


attempt to divide by 0 (test.exw line 2) 
Yes, I'm still running... 

That message you are seeing has in fact been sent via the new builtin throw().

Must now knuckle down to lnx64 testing (including testing the above), which is the big barrier to a new release.


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