Re: Euphoria CGI

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Here is the basic principle of the web display server:

  • The OpenEuphoria program acts as a client to send orders to the display server and as a server to listen for events.
  • Each command (for example Create Button) is sent as a POST request to the Web display server on a dedicated port, let's say 10000.
  • The server updates the page and sets the Refresh field in the header.

When the user submits a form, the client program does not know anything happened, so the server has to send a frame to inform the client program.

The problem is that a browser is needed to display pages. Either we need to write a browser in Euphoria or we need to drive a browser with Euphoria.

Second option needs:

  • either a wrapper on the selenium2 library (
  • or to drive Firefox through MozREPL (
  • or to drive geckodriver ( or chromedriver ( via WebDriver's wire protocol

I already tried different ways to drive a webbrowser via Euphoria but I have never been able to get it work as I needed. WebDriver's wire protocol seems to be the way to go but I was not able to communicate correctly with either chromedriver or geckodriver because of missing information in headers or whatever else.


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