Re: a problem running euwingui2 + config file question

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archeopteryx_08 said...

Hi Chris,

I'd like to ask about the config file please.

Let's say i wanted to set up euwingui2 and use a config file, and that i was starting from scratch. I've installed OE using the installer, which set my path automatically to c:\Euphoria. I want to use config files from now on. At this point do i need to set any environment variables myself? For example, do i need to set up EUDIR and EUINC?

No, they're already set by the installer (AFIR). To test this, open a cmd console and type
path -> your system's path - which should show the path to eu's bin loacation
echo %PATH% does the same
echo %EUDIR% -> will give your eu folder location
echo %EUINC% will show you any additional includes you have created - you do not need this any more

archeopteryx_08 said...

Now let's say i've unzipped euwingui2 to c:\Euphoria\euwingui2. There's a \bin subdirectory (with euconvert.dll, euwingui.dll, euconvert.e, and euwingui.ico in it) and an \include subdirectory (with euconvertinc.e, euwingui.ew, and ewguties.ew in it). Now if i'm going to be using a config file, do i still need to copy the dll's to \windows\sysWOW64? (BTW that means copy, right, not move from their original location - correct?)

Move or copy, it doesn't matter. You can put the dlls in the same folder as your program, or in SysWoW64, your program will find them there. It should also find them any where in your systems path, but this is not always reliable, and theoretically you could specify a direct file location in your program, but this is also not always reliable.

archeopteryx_08 said...

Do i need to move or copy any other files from \euwingui2 to anywhere else, or will the config file somehow take care of things from the files' original location? And finally, what should i put in the config file, and where should i save it to?

Euphoria looks for include files in the default include folder (c:\euphoria\include), then in in the folders specified in the EUINC environment variable - yours will probably be empty, as you probably haven't set anything, and then in the contents of the eu.cfg file.
look at for more info.
Basically eu.cfg should sit in the same folder as your program. Other eu.cfg s may be looked at, but the one in your folder is the last one, and the one that takes precedence. Get into the habit of always using one, it makes a lot of sense.
It contains a list of command line switches, which are acted on as if they were typed at the command line, but the most useful one is the -I switch (thats the third vowel, not an L or a one). This tells the eu interpreter to look in the folders specicied in here. so in your example the eu.cfg file would contain

-I ..\bin 
-I ..\include 
I'm assuming that you have put your program in a folder called [your program], ie at the same level as the bin and include with euwingui2, or to put another way
    |-\[your program] 
The ..\ means go one up the tree
You are now telling the interpreter to include these folders in its search for the required include files. This has nothing to do with the location of the dlls, you can't tell eu where these are in the eu.cfg file.

archeopteryx_08 said...

Sorry for the tedium, but once i understand this i'll be able to manage other downloads without having to ask again - i hope smile


Not a problem



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