Re: Phix : variable types

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Here is a long list of win32lib tweaks you might need (some others may be missing).
You should of course convince yourself these are individually correct before/when applying.
All of these are intended to make things compatible with both Phix and OpenEuphoria.

w32support or w32memory:

function l_SafePeek(object addr) 
--PL 29/4/09: 
--              if object(addr) then 
                return {} 
--              else 
--                  return 0 
--              end if 

ditto for l_SafePeek4s and l_SafePeek4u

w32support or w32utils:

global function w32rand32(atom N) 
--/**/  d = sq_mul(vOldSeed,d)  --/* Phix 
        d = vOldSeed * d        --  RDS */ 


global function next_number(object pName) 
--  sequence lRC    -- PL 29/4/09 
global function current_number(object pName) 
--  atom lNextNum   -- PL 29/4/09 


global function fetch_SYSTEMTIME( atom st ) 
-- PL 29/4/09: 
--return w32from_memory(ID_SYSTEMTIME, st ) 
return w32from_memory(st,ID_SYSTEMTIME) 
end function 
global function fetch_CHARFORMAT( atom CHARFORMAT ) 
--PL 29/4/09: 
--return w32from_memory(ID_CHARFORMAT, CHARFORMAT) 
return w32from_memory(CHARFORMAT,ID_CHARFORMAT) 
end function 
--PL 29/4/09??? 
--/**/  TVDISPINFO_TVITEMcchTextMax = {TVDISPINFO_item,sq_add(TVITEM_pszText,4)},   --/* Phix 
        TVDISPINFO_TVITEMcchTextMax = {TVDISPINFO_item,TVITEM_pszText+4},           --  RDS */ 
integer xxxx 
global procedure w32release_all_mem() 
-- No longer needed. 
    xxxx=1  -- suppress warnings    -- PL 29/4/09 
end procedure 


-- PL 29/4/09 
--global function setContainer(sequence pNew) 
global function setContainer(object pNew) 


--constant WM_USER = #400   -- PL 29/4/09 
global function getFullPathName(sequence pFile, integer pOption) 
--  sequence lShortFile     -- PL 29/4/09 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--global function setSearchPaths(sequence pPaths) 
global function setSearchPaths(object pPaths) 


-- PL 29/4/09 
--xIsBadCodePtr = define_c_func(kernel32, "IsBadReadPtr", {C_LONG, C_LONG}, C_LONG), 
 procedure l_MyFreeMem(atom pAddress) 
--  integer lMemSize    -- PL 29/4/09 
global function w32allot( object pDataType ) 
--  atom a  -- PL 29/4/09 
-- PL 29/4/09 (we just set this to 1!!) 
--      fieldv=sequence(lCnt) 
--      fieldv=0    (and fieldv is guaranteed to be 0 here anyway) 
function fetchSize(atom struct,atom at,sequence s,integer flag) 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--  integer strlen,wsize,strtype 
    integer strlen,wsize 
--  object x    -- PL 29/4/09 
function w32ElemAddr(atom struct,sequence s) 
--  atom at         -- PL 29/4/09 
--  object x        -- PL 29/4/09 
global procedure w32copy_field(atom struct,sequence s,atom origin) 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--  integer size,sel,var,units 
    integer sel,var,units 
global procedure w32poke_words(atom at,object words) 
--/**/  words = sq_floor(sq_rmdr(words,65536))      --/* -- Phix 
        words = floor(remainder(words,65536))       --*/ -- RDS 
function internal_fetch( atom struct, sequence s ) 
--  sequence s0, result     -- PL 29/4/09 
function virtualise_blank(object strtype) 
--/**/  sm2 = sq_sub(s0,2)  --/* -- Phix 
    sm2 = s0-2              --*/ -- RDS 
function fetchSize(atom struct,atom at,sequence s,integer flag) 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--  integer strlen,wsize,strtype 
    integer strlen,wsize 
--  object x    -- PL 29/4/09 
--/**/      s[arrayPos..length(s)]=sq_sub(s[arrayPos..length(s)],1) --/* -- Phix 
            s[arrayPos..length(s)]-=1                               --*/ -- RDS 
 procedure l_SafePoke(atom addr, object thedata) 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--  atom a, l 

ditto for l_SafePoke4


procedure fCleanUp(integer pErrCode, sequence pDispMsg) 
-- PL 29/4/09 
--integer lRC, lNumUserIds, lCurControl 
integer lRC, lNumUserIds 


global function w32remainder(object a,object b) 
    elsif sequence(b) then 
--PL 27/07/09: (DEV: untested) 
--      for i=1 to length(a) do 
        for i=1 to length(b) do 
global function w32round(object a,object b,integer flag) 
    elsif sequence(b) then 
--PL 27/07/09: (DEV: untested) 
--      for i=1 to length(a) do 
        for i=1 to length(b) do 


global function textToBitmap(sequence s) 
    -- all spaces become 1 and all non-spaces become 0. 
--/**/  s = sq_eq(s,' ')    --/* Phix 
        s = ( s = ' ' )     --  RDS */ 
global function createMousePointer(integer x, integer y, sequence image) 
    -- create the and mask 
--/**/  maskBits = sq_eq(image,' ')     --/* Phix 
    maskBits = ( image = ' ' )      --  RDS */ 
    -- create the xor mask 
--/**/  maskBits = sq_eq(image,'.')     --/* Phix 
    maskBits = (image = '.')        --  RDS */ 
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