Re: RedyCode 0.9.2 released
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Jul 01, 2016
Hi Ryan
had a quick project in mind, thought I'd give Redy a go.
When you start Redy, you don't get a default bare minimum app, ready to add widgets and procedures and functions, you get Redypad.
There should be more example programs, though in all fairness this is something I / we can all help with - win32 lib demos equivalency if you like.
There should be a run button on the button bar, to quickly run a program (its so much trouble pressing appliction / run, makes me want to give up! (joke)). Edit - I see there alredy (sic) is - it just doesn't have a pretty icon associated with it - it needs an icon. Honestly.
A nice feature to have would be to group user created includes in the source tree, which would make organising larger programs more logical in some cases - ie have an 'interface' main program, with user created / optional includes in the tree for quick access / open in tabs as needed.
You may consider adding default widget adds - ie, I want a button, so I'll select it from the 'widget list' and the code for a button is generated and placed in the editor, which I can then edit / modify etc. Or I want a listbox....etc.
Oh, and I still want eu4.05 compatability.