Re: Bat files I can't get to work

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DonCole said...
jimcbrown said...
DonCole said...

I've tried every .bat file I could find. They all give me the same error.

Where are you finding them? Can you post their contents on a pastey as well?

Bat files that I can't get to work on Euphoria v4.1


@PATH=%PATH% E:\euphoria_new\bin
@SET EUDIR=E:\euphoria
@SET EUINC=E:\euphoria_new\include;E:\eu\myinclude;
@echo on
@set eudir
@start /b E:\euphoria_new\bin\eui.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

any chance you have unix line endings in the bats? that could easily happen. the euphoria repo has unix line endings by default and maybe whatever install or unzip didn't convert properly. find an editor with Hex VIewer

I have PSPad setup for unix line endings and sometimes forget to change it when I create a new bat file and they always screwup in weird ways.

start a command console and run one directly to make sure they work and so you can see any output and errors generated

run cmd 
set PATH 
will show you what is set. might have a typo in PATH somewhere?

when you name a bat or cmd the same as an executable, the executable will usually be found first.

work on one bat/problem at a time till it works the way you expect it to. what happens when you double click on a bat file? maybe the associations got changed somehow?

create a much simpler bat with just some echo and set and go from there.

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