Re: [IUP] IupText minimum size [SOLVED]

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_tom said...

When there is not enough horizontal size for all the elements clipping starts from the right-hand-side; clipping always sacrifices the right most elements and tries to preserve the left most elements. I couldn't find a way to defeat this rule.

You could try MINSIZE as an attribute rather than SIZE. (But RHS clipping still seems to follow the same rules.)

You could create a dynamic layout that reads the size of the dialog and then sets the attributes or the elements.


Thanks for replying. As above SHRINK solved the immediate problem.
I did try MINSIZE on ftxt but it appears to have no effect on an IupText control.
I agree that MINSIZE on the IupDialog is probably the best/only way to prevent unwanted clipping.
What I have found, however, is that for some reason MINSIZE needs to be multiplied by {1.5,1.875}, ie width*1.5 and height*1.875.
For example (on an IupDialog) setting MINSIZE to "478x354" has the effect of 319x189, I needed "717x664" to achieve 478x354


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