Re: dll (probably newbie) issue.

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ne1uno said...

not sure if this is exactly the problem reported, a problem is that Qt is c++ so you can't directly link to call routines. euqt is a wrapper for Qt started by Jeremy that creates a shim wrapper. you link to it, then the wrapper links to Qt.

I have done this in the past, usually using extern "C". I switched back to trying with the 32-bit Euphoria and the 32-bit dll built by Qt Creator using Mingw. It looks like that even though the dll is 32-bit, it is calling 64-bit libraries, which might be the issue. So I can either have a 64-bit Euphoria that can't open 32-bit dlls, or a 32-bit Euphoria that's trying to open a 32-bit dll that itself calls 64-bit libraries.

Meh. This was just sort of a napkin project anyway, so I may just give this up and try something a bit less taxing.

Or ... try to get Linux work on this newer machine with its wacky UEFI.

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