Re: EuAnyRepo vs EuDrop... what's the difference?

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xecronix said...

I haven't gone silent... I'm just thinking. The biggest question that's going through my mind right now is "Why doesn't CPAN, Ruby Gems, pip, or Pear work the way you're describing?"

Good question! The best answer I can think of, is that those languages entirely self-reliant. Anything written in Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, or .NET requires that the language's runtime be installed on the system in order to run, and that's fine for them. But Euphoria sort of floats this line between a runtime and a compiled language, because we can translate the source and ship the resulting executable without any other runtime. This puts Euphoria at a unique advantage over all of those other languages and gets us closer to the C/C++ territory.

And speaking of C/C++ territory, those don't even have exclusive package management, since they rely entirely on the OS package system. And they have discrete utilities for everything because that world is so diverse and dynamic. You can get away with doing whatever you want however you want, and that freedom can actually be quite overwhelming.


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