Re: If you're using linux can you run this command please?

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Try this:

include std/filesys.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/sequence.e 
include std/io.e 
include std/search.e 
include myLibs/myDebug.e 
function readFile(sequence filename) 
  sequence s = read_lines(filename) 
  sequence content = {} 
  for i = 1 to length(s) do 
    sequence line = trim(s[i]) 
    if length(line)>0 then 
      sequence t = split(line, '=') 
      for j = 1 to length(t) do t[j] = dequote(trim(t[j])) end for 
      content = append(content, t ) 
    end if 
  end for 
  return content 
end function 
function cat(sequence filename) 
  sequence s = read_file(filename) 
  return trim(s) 
end function 
sequence s, short, long, release, description, name, version 
object o 
  long = "" 
  short = "" 
  if file_exists("/etc/lsb-release") then 
    s = readFile("/etc/lsb-release") 
    o = vlookup("DISTRIB_RELEASE", s, 1, 2) 
    if atom(o) then 
      release = vlookup("DISTRIB_CODENAME", s, 1, 2) 
      release = o 
    end if 
    o = vlookup("DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION", s, 1, 2) 
    if atom(o) then 
      description = vlookup("DISTRIB_CODENAME", s, 1, 2) 
      description = o 
    end if 
    if length(description) then 
      if length(release) then 
        long = description & " (" & release & ")" 
        long = description 
      end if 
    end if 
    o = vlookup("DISTRIB_ID", s, 1, 2) 
    if atom(o) then 
      short = "UnknownLSB" 
      short = match_replace(" ", o, "") 
    end if 
    if file_exists("/etc/debian_version") then 
      short = "Debian" 
      s = readFile("/etc/os-release") 
      name = vlookup("NAME", s, 1, 2) 
      version = vlookup("VERSION", s, 1, 2) 
      long = name & " " & version 
    -- RPM derived distributions may also have a redhat-release or 
    -- mandrake-release, so check their files first. 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/altlinux-release") then 
      short = "ALTLinux" 
      long = cat("/etc/altlinux-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/magic-release") then 
      short = "Magic" 
      long = cat("/etc/magic-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/blackPanther-release") then 
      short = "blackPanther" 
      long = cat("/etc/blackPanther-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/ark-release") then 
      short = "Ark" 
      long = cat("/etc/ark-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/arch-release") then 
      short = "Arch" 
      long = cat("/etc/arch-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/asplinux-release") then 
      short = "ASPLinux" 
      long = cat("/etc/asplinux-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/lvr-release") then 
      short = "LvR" 
      long = cat("/etc/lvr-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/caos-release") then 
      short = "cAos" 
      long = cat("/etc/caos-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/aurox-release") then 
      short = "Aurox" 
      long = cat("/etc/aurox-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/engarde-release") then 
      short = "EnGarde" 
      long = cat("/etc/engarde-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/vine-release") then 
      short = "Vine" 
      long = cat("/etc/vine-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/whitebox-release") then 
      short = "WhiteBox" 
      long = cat("/etc/whitebox-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/pld-release") then 
      short = "PLD" 
      long = cat("/etc/pld-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/startcom-release") then 
      short = "StartCom" 
      long = cat("/etc/startcom-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/trustix-release") then 
      short = "Trustix" 
      long = cat("/etc/trustix-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/openna-release") then 
      short = "OpenNA" 
      long = cat("/etc/openna-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/conectiva-release") then 
      short = "Conectiva" 
      long = cat("/etc/conectiva-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/mandrake-release") then 
      short = "Mandrake" 
      long = cat("/etc/mandrake-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/fedora-release") then 
      short = "Fedora" 
      long = cat("/etc/fedora-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/redhat-release") then 
      short = "RedHat" 
      long = cat("/etc/redhat-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/SuSE-release") then 
      short = "SuSE" 
      if file_exists("/etc/SuSE-release") then 
        long = cat("/etc/SuSE-release") 
        long = cat("/etc/SuSE-brand") 
      end if 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/gentoo-release") then 
      short = "Gentoo" 
      long = cat("/etc/gentoo-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/cobalt-release") then 
      short = "Cobalt" 
      long = cat("/etc/cobalt-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/yellowdog-release") then 
      short = "YellowDog" 
      long = cat("/etc/yellowdog-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/turbolinux-release") then 
      short = "Turbolinux" 
      long = cat("/etc/turbolinux-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/pardus-release") then 
      short = "Pardus" 
      long = cat("/etc/pardus-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/kanotix-version") then 
      short = "Kanotix" 
      long = cat("/etc/kanotix-version") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/slackware-version") then 
      short = "Slackware" 
      long = cat("/etc/slackware-version") 
    elsif file_exists("/sbin/pkgtool") then 
      short = "Slackware" 
      long="Slackware Linux" 
    elsif match("OpenLinux", "/etc/issue") then 
      short = "Caldera" 
      long="Caldera OpenLinux" 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/frugalware-release") then 
      short = "Frugalware Linux" 
      long = cat("/etc/frugalware-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/kdemar-release") then 
      short = "K-DEMar" 
      long = cat("/etc/kdemar-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/lfs-release") then  --Linux From Scratch 
      short = "LFS" 
      long = cat("/etc/lfs-release") 
    elsif file_exists("/etc/meego-release") then 
      short = "MeeGo" 
      long = cat("/etc/meego-release") 
      short = "Linux" 
      long = "unknown Linux distribution" 
    end if 
  end if 
puts(1, "Short name = " & short & "\n") 
puts(1, "Long name = " & long & "\n") 

It has not been tested on all those distributions, so if people could try it and share results, it would be fine.

Here is for Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela:

Short name = LinuxMint 
Long name = Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela (17.2) 

and for Fedora 22

Short name = Fedora 
Long name = Fedora release 22 (Twenty Two) 
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