Re: If you're using linux can you run this command please?
- Posted by jmduro Aug 29, 2015
Here is how grub recognizes OSes:
duro@duro-HP-Compaq-dc7700-Small-Form-Factor:~/Téléchargements > sudo /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/40lsb [sudo] password for duro: :Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela (17.2):LinuxMint:linux duro@duro-HP-Compaq-dc7700-Small-Form-Factor:~/Téléchargements > sudo /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/90linux-distro :Debian GNU/Linux (jessie/sid):Debian:linux
Basically, they look for DISTRIB_RELEASE, DISTRIB_CODENAME and DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION, then for one specific release file per distibution, which name can end with -release or -version (they specify the exact name per each distribution).
For Slackware they use pkgtool, for Caldera OpenLinux they use /etc/issue. There is no unique solution. A big switch case would better fit all the needs, with one case per distribution.