Re: Euphoria Wrapper Problem

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petelomax said...

I've tried that, also on 64-bit Windows 7, but the 32-bit version quietly ignores 32/64 bit errors, that you can see if you look carefully enough. To be fair, if it reports no errors when it is actually looking in error at a few 64-bit dlls, it probably means everything is OK, but I would still have to recommend tweaking the Directory Search Order until it is loading all the right (32-bit) ones, and there is less scope for error if you stick to the 64-bit one when your OS supports it.

As a quick example (using 32-bit dependency walker on a 64-bit OS):

[   ] c:\windows\syswow64\KERNEL32.DLL 
     [   ] c:\windows\syswow64\API-MS-WIN-CORE-RTLSUPPORT-L1-1-0.DLL 
     [   ] c:\windows\system32\NTDLL.DLL 
     [   ] c:\windows\system32\KERNELBASE.DLL 
You can see it has (quietly) loaded the 32-bit kernel32.dll and API-MS...dll, but the 64-bit ntdll.dll and kernelbase.dll, all without raising any alarms.

I see what you mean. I never noticed that before. Thanks for pointing that out. smile


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