Re: Euphoria Wrapper Problem

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jimcbrown said...
Icy_Viking said...


I am having the following issue while trying to make an example program. The error says bad routine number (-1).

I've tried looking at all the different files, but I can't see anything wrong or why it would come up with a bad routine error. Am I declaring something wrong, is the DLL I'm using bad? When I run the wrapper file, which is .ew, it runs fine, no errors or anything. However, when I try to run an actual program using the wrapper, I get the bad routine error. Any help is greatly appericated.

Try modifying your wrapper like this:

--Wrapper code 
if ttf = 0 then 
	puts(2, "Load of Library ttf failed!\n") 
end if 
public constant xTTF_Init = define_c_func(ttf,"TTF_Init",{},C_INT) 
if xTTF_Init = 0 then 
	puts(2, "Load of function TTF_Init failed!\n") 
end if 
public function TTF_Init() 
 return c_func(xTTF_Init,{}) 
end function 

And let us know what the output is.

I tried it like this

if ttf = 0 then 
	puts(2,"Failed to open SDL2_tff.dll!\n") 
end if 

It appears it failed to load the DLL. I also tried it like this.

if ttf = -1 then 
	puts(2,"Failed to open SDL2_tff.dll!\n") 
end if 
public constant xTTF_Init = define_c_func(ttf,"TTF_Init",{},C_INT) 
if xTTF_Init = 0 then 
	puts(2,"Failed to load function TTF_Init()") 
end if 

No error came up when I tried that. So I suspect it is failing to load the DLL for whatever reason. However, I can't see why as the previous SDL DLLs all loaded fine.

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