Euphoria Wrapper Problem
- Posted by Icy_Viking Jun 02, 2015
I am having the following issue while trying to make an example program. The error says bad routine number (-1).
--Example program without warning include std/machine.e include std/filesys.e --include std/misc.e include EuSDL2.ew include EuSDL2TTF.ew include flags.e atom dummy dummy = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) if dummy = -1 then puts(1,"Could not initialize SDL2!\n") abort(0) end if dummy = TTF_Init() --error comes from here atom win = SDL_CreateWindow("Font Win",SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,640,480,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) atom ren = SDL_CreateRenderer(win,-1,SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED) integer run = 1 atom key = 0 while run = 1 do SDL_PumpEvents() key = SDL_GetKeyboardState(key) if (peek(key+SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) > 0) then run = 0 end if SDL_RenderClear(ren) SDL_RenderPresent(ren) end while SDL_DestroyWindow(win) SDL_DestroyRenderer(ren) free(key) SDL_Quit()
//TTF_Font.h extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL TTF_Init(void);
--Wrapper code public constant xTTF_Init = define_c_func(ttf,"TTF_Init",{},C_INT) public function TTF_Init() return c_func(xTTF_Init,{}) end function
I've tried looking at all the different files, but I can't see anything wrong or why it would come up with a bad routine error. Am I declaring something wrong, is the DLL I'm using bad? When I run the wrapper file, which is .ew, it runs fine, no errors or anything. However, when I try to run an actual program using the wrapper, I get the bad routine error. Any help is greatly appericated.