Re: Easy Euphoria a Fairy tale

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GreenEuphorian said...

Does it include the case study of a real program? You see, there are lots of teaching resources on the basic structures and functions of Euphoria, on the sequences, etc.

The idea is to create a Programming 101, similar to an introductory book on programming in a "first course" of programming in any language. You are already past this stage, but I have to start with baby steps.

I am not ready to create a Programming 201 that would involve some case study.

GreenEuphorian said...

What we need now is a programming tutorial that builds a Euphoria program step-by-step. From the preliminary phase (design) to the actual implementation. With a commented analysis of the code. Something like an rudimentary airline booking system, or a home library database would be nice. BTW the program could also be one of those already present in the Archive.

Can anyone suggest an already existing program which could be suitable for this purpose? Maybe one you wrote yourself, and used in a commercial environment.

The starting point is: what are you trying to do?

I suggest you start a project and describe it to us. As you get stuck|frustrated ask questions. Ultimately, your project could get written up as a tutorial.


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