Re: Redy 1.0.a1 released!
- Posted by system_X May 17, 2015
Better than doing it in reverse though - at least in the past, M$ OSes would take over the entire hard disk and not even give you a dual boot option!
I was alerting ryanj that SINCE HE ALREADY HAS WINDOWS INSTALLED AND WORKING, as soon as he instals Linux the installation will bring the Linux boot manager up first.
But so what? Why is this a problem? Unlike the reverse case, you actually get a dual boot option here.
For those who are very comfortable with Windows, Linux controlling the boot is very worrisome. So I gave him the solution which keeps Windows in control of the Dual boot. Your interpretation that Windows does not allow dual boot, is wrong. My effort was to put WINDOWS IN CHARGE OF DUAL BOOT OR MULTIPLE BOOT instead of Linux..
I must admit, this is so absurd I can't resist giving my unwanted two cents instead of using the energy my fingers will use to type this on anything but this. I've dual booted both free and non-free operating systems since the dawn of multi boot and never in my life have I seen it as so called worrisome to let Grub be the boot loader for a dual boot setup instead of the boot loaders provided with Windows. A decent Linux distribution installer will handle setting up Grub to chain load the proprietary M$ bootloader/Windows OS with ease. I've hundreds, if not thousands of installs under my belt and have seen more problems from installing Windows after a Linux distribution has been installed first than vise versa.
There is no problem in general if someone is ignorant on a specific subject, but I have to really doubt them in general if they make statements that are not based on truth. This doubt can be cleared if the ignorant person can think clearly enough to admit they are wrong after they are shown they are wrong.
I must also question if one is trolling and/or being a poser when such non-sense is typed up. That can possibly be cleared as well by being honest with yourself and others.