Re: Experimental "peer to peer" modular programming concept

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Spock said...

Is the resulting published message the same format as standard message passing in the GUI? (I guess I could've checked the code myself.. just lazy.. ). If it were the same would it be possible/desirable to merge the functionality? ie, inject the messages into the usual message stream. Just a thought.


It is similar to GUI event handling, but more generic. Any part of the program can publish or subscribe to a topic. It is up to the programmer to define topics, message names, and message data formats, which should be listed in comments somewhere. I suppose this encourages good documentation and organization.

public procedure publish(sequence topicname, sequence subscribername, sequence msgname, object msgdata)  
--send data to other subscribers  to a topic by calling each subscriber's message handler proc 
    atom idx = find(topicname, gNames)  
    if idx > 0 then  
        for s = 1 to length(gSubscriberNames[idx]) do  
            if not equal(gSubscriberNames[idx][s], subscribername) then  
                if gSubscriberRids[idx][s] > 0 then  
                    call_proc(gSubscriberRids[idx][s], {topicname, subscribername, msgname, msgdata})  
                end if  
            end if   
        end for  
    end if  
    if debugRid > 0 then  
        call_proc(debugRid, {topicname, subscribername, msgname, msgdata})  
    end if  
end procedure 
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