Re: Rikki-tikki is male. OpenEuphoria is genderless.

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katsmeow said...

Tom, you can respond.

I got your email through the "Contact Admin" process. You message was flagged as spam by my Yahoo email account. After moving the message to the regular "Inbox" I sent you a reply.

It looks like the Yahoo spam filter was still active; much later I got a "Failure Notice" from the Yahoo MAILER-DAEMON stating that it will not deliver spam from me.


A professor at a university wrote an article for his university website. This is typical publish or perish activity.

I agree, a professor in a language department should not be making major grammar errors. In his example of actor (male) and actress (female) the "-ess" serves to make a word feminine. He describes it as a diminutive form.

As to actual language usage he has a point: female references are used as a diminutive and or a derogative. The governator refers to girlymen; Hollywood combat action heroes use "ladies check your weapons."

NASA missed an early oportunity to promote technology and gender equality in the space program. NASA moved on to a system were moon rocks were lost.


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