Re: Conflict add_item
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Mar 09, 2015
Editing the libraries like that is going to cause you problems.
Well, I can see it from the OP's POV. Having used add_item() from wxEuphoria in hundreded or thousands of places in a very large file, then suddenly needing to include std/sequence.e for one function call that's only used in one place, resulting in the need to manually edit hundreds or thousands of lines of text (just to ad the "wx:" bit) is annoying. A modern text editor should have no problems changing all such references at once - but editing std/sequence.e directly results in fewer lines to audit I suppose.
I can see his point of view, too. But it's still problematic and the wrong solution, even if it seems expedient.
Perhaps we need a way to say "if a namespace conflict exists, instead of throwing an error to warn the programmer, just default to using this namespace and require all calls to the other namespace in this file to be explicitly qualified" or something.
This seems wrong to me. It's introducing slightly different behavior that is likely to be confusing to the programmer.