Re: Try/Catch
- Posted by dcuny Feb 14, 2015
Spock said...
SSC might not be "better" than try/catch but is it materially worse? In some ways it might be simpler to implement.
I think that many of the points for try/catch have already been made:
- It is a well-established, understood and accepted way of handling exceptions.
- It jumps to the exception handler immediately, instead of continuing to execute with possibly bad data.
- It doesn't guess what values might be good in the case of an exception.
- It allows the developer to determine at what level the application should attempt to recover.
- It allows the developer to determine what the recovery behavior should be.
- It is flexible, allowing the developer to decide where (if at all) exceptions should be trapped.
- If people choose not to use it, the current behavior of Euphoria is not altered.
Does that answer your question?
- David