Re: POLL: What should value do with underscores?

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ArthurCrump said...

See Ticket:638, especially the title. The content of the ticket only refers to specific differences.


a patch for tests (new numbers style an c-style comments).

--- get.e	2015-02-13 21:23:13.423620000 +0100 
+++ get.e	2015-02-13 22:02:58.924620000 +0100 
@@ -182,112 +182,160 @@ 
 	end if 
 end function 
-function get_number() 
--- read a number or a comment 
--- ch is "live" at entry and exit 
-	plus_or_minus sign, e_sign 
-	natural ndigits 
-	integer hex_digit 
-	atom mantissa, dec, e_mag 
-	sequence number_string = { ch } 
-	sign = +1 
-	mantissa = 0 
-	ndigits = 0 
-	-- process sign 
-	if ch = '-' then 
-		sign = -1 
-		get_ch() 
-		number_string &= ch 
-		if ch='-' then 
-			return read_comment() 
-		end if 
-	elsif ch = '+' then 
-		get_ch() 
-		number_string &= ch 
-	end if 
-	-- get mantissa 
-	if ch = '#' then 
-		-- process hex integer and return 
+function read_c_comment() 
+	if atom(input_string) then 
+		while ch != '*' and ch != -1 do 
+			get_ch() 
+		end while 
-		number_string &= ch 
-		while TRUE do 
-			hex_digit = find(ch, HEX_DIGITS)-1 
-			if hex_digit >= 0 then 
-				ndigits += 1 
-				mantissa = mantissa * 16 + hex_digit 
-				get_ch() 
-				number_string &= ch 
+		if ch = '/' then 
+			return {GET_IGNORE, 0} 
+		else 
+			return {GET_EOF, 0} 
+		end if 
+	else 
+		for i = string_next to length(input_string) do 
+			ch = input_string[i] 
+			if ch != '*' then 
+				string_next = i + 1 
-				if ndigits > 0 then 
-					return {GET_SUCCESS, sign * mantissa} 
-				else 
-					return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
+				ch = input_string[i+1] 
+				string_next = i + 1 
+				if ch = '/' then 
+					return {GET_IGNORE, 0} 
 				end if 
 			end if 
-		end while 
+		end for 
+		return {GET_EOF, 0} 
 	end if 
+end function 
-	-- decimal integer or floating point 
-	while ch >= '0' and ch <= '9' do 
-		ndigits += 1 
-		mantissa = mantissa * 10 + (ch - '0') 
-		get_ch() 
+function get_number()  
+-- read a number or a comment  
+-- ch is "live" at entry and exit  
+	plus_or_minus sign, e_sign  
+	integer ndigits, base  
+	integer base_digit  
+	atom mantissa, dec, e_mag  
+	sequence number_string = {}  
+	sign = +1  
+	mantissa = 0  
+	ndigits = 0  
+	base = 10  
+	-- process sign  
+	if ch = '-' then  
 		number_string &= ch 
-	end while 
-	if ch = '.' then 
-		-- get fraction 
-		get_ch() 
+		get_ch()  
+		if ch='-' then  
+			return read_comment()  
+		end if  
+		sign = -1  
+	elsif ch = '+' then  
 		number_string &= ch 
-		dec = 10 
-		while ch >= '0' and ch <= '9' do 
-			ndigits += 1 
-			mantissa += (ch - '0') / dec 
-			dec *= 10 
-			get_ch() 
-			number_string &= ch 
-		end while 
-	end if 
-	if ndigits = 0 then 
-		return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
-	end if 
-	mantissa = sign * mantissa 
-	if ch = 'e' or ch = 'E' then 
-		-- get exponent sign 
+		get_ch()  
+	end if  
+	while ch = '_' do 
-		number_string &= ch 
-		if ch = '-' then 
-			get_ch() 
-			number_string &= ch 
-		elsif ch = '+' then 
+	end while 
+	-- get base  
+	if ch = '#' then  
+		number_string &= ch  
+		get_ch()  
+		base = 16  
+	elsif ch = '0' then  
+		number_string &= ch  
+		get_ch()  
+		if find(ch, "btx") then  
+			if ch = 'b' then  
+				base = 2  
+			elsif ch = 't' then  
+				base = 8  
+			elsif ch ='x' then  
+				base = 16  
+			end if  
+			number_string &= ch  
+			get_ch()  
+		end if  
+	end if  
+	-- process integer part  
+	while TRUE do  
+		base_digit = find(ch - 32 * (ch >= 'a'), HEX_DIGITS[1..base] & '_') - 1  
+		if base_digit >= 0 then  
+			if base_digit < base then  
+	 			ndigits += 1  
+				mantissa = mantissa * base + base_digit  
+				number_string &= ch  
+			end if  
+			get_ch()  
+		else  
+			exit  
+		end if  
+	end while  
+	-- process decimal part  
+	if ch = '.' then  
+		number_string &= ch  
+		get_ch()  
+		dec = base  
+		while TRUE do  
+			base_digit = find(ch - 32 * (ch >= 'a'), HEX_DIGITS[1..base] & '_') - 1  
+			if base_digit >= 0 then  
+				if base_digit < base then  
+					ndigits += 1  
+					mantissa += base_digit / dec  
+					dec *= base  
+					number_string &= ch  
+				end if  
+				get_ch()  
+			else  
+				exit  
+			end if  
+		end while  
+	end if  
+	mantissa = sign * mantissa  
+	if ch = 'e' or ch = 'E' then  
+		-- get exponent sign  
+		number_string &= ch  
+		get_ch()  
+		while ch = '_' do 
-			number_string &= ch 
-		end if 
-		-- get exponent magnitude 
-		if ch >= '0' and ch <= '9' then 
-			while ch >= '0' and ch <= '9' with entry do 
-				number_string &= ch 
-			entry 
-				get_ch() 
-			end while 
-		else 
-			return {GET_FAIL, 0} -- no exponent 
-		end if 
-		mantissa = scientific_to_atom( number_string ) 
-	end if 
+		end while 
+		if ch = '-' or ch = '+' then  
+			number_string &= ch  
+			get_ch()  
+		end if  
+		-- get exponent magnitude  
+		while TRUE do  
+			base_digit = find(ch - 32 * (ch >= 'a'), HEX_DIGITS[1..base] & '_') - 1  
+			if base_digit >= 0 then  
+				if base_digit < base then  
+					ndigits += 1  
+					number_string &= ch  
+				end if  
+				get_ch()  
+			else  
+				exit  
+			end if  
+		end while  
+		mantissa = scientific_to_atom( number_string )  
+	end if  
+	if ndigits = 0 then  
+		return {GET_FAIL, 0}  
+	end if  
+	return {GET_SUCCESS, mantissa}  
+end function  
-	return {GET_SUCCESS, mantissa} 
-end function 
 function Get() 
 -- read a Euphoria data object as a string of characters 
@@ -345,7 +393,16 @@ 
 					if ch = '}' then 
-					return {GET_SUCCESS, s} 
+						return {GET_SUCCESS, s} 
+					elsif ch = '/' then -- comment starts after item and before comma 
+						get_ch() 
+						if ch = '*' then 
+							get_ch() 
+							e = read_c_comment() 
+							if e[1] != GET_IGNORE then  -- it wasn't a comment, this is illegal 
+								return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
+							end if 
+						end if 
 					elsif ch!='-' then 
 					else -- comment starts after item and before comma 
@@ -355,11 +412,11 @@ 
 						end if 
 						-- read next comment or , or } 
 					end if 
-			end while 
+				end while 
 				if ch != ',' then 
-				return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
+					return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
 				end if 
-			get_ch() -- skip comma 
+				get_ch() -- skip comma 
 			end while 
 		elsif ch = '\"' then 
@@ -368,6 +425,14 @@ 
 			return get_heredoc("`") 
 		elsif ch = '\'' then 
 			return get_qchar() 
+		elsif ch = '/' then 
+			get_ch() 
+			if ch = '*' then 
+				get_ch() 
+				return read_c_comment() 
+			else 
+				return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
+			end if 
 			return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
@@ -442,7 +507,16 @@ 
 					if ch = '}' then 
-					return {GET_SUCCESS, s, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+						return {GET_SUCCESS, s, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+					elsif ch = '/' then -- comment starts after item and before comma 
+						get_ch() 
+						if ch = '*' then 
+							get_ch() 
+							e = read_c_comment() 
+							if e[1] != GET_IGNORE then  -- it wasn't a comment, this is illegal 
+								return {GET_FAIL, 0} 
+							end if 
+						end if 
 					elsif ch!='-' then 
 					else -- comment starts after item and before comma 
@@ -452,11 +526,11 @@ 
 						end if 
 						-- read next comment or , or } 
 					end if 
-			end while 
+				end while 
 				if ch != ',' then 
-				return {GET_FAIL, 0, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+					return {GET_FAIL, 0, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
 				end if 
-			get_ch() -- skip comma 
+				get_ch() -- skip comma 
 			end while 
 		elsif ch = '\"' then 
@@ -468,9 +542,16 @@ 
 		elsif ch = '\'' then 
 			e = get_qchar() 
 			return e & {string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+		elsif ch = '/' then 
+			get_ch() 
+			if ch = '*' then 
+				e = read_c_comment() 
+				return e & {string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+			else 
+				return {GET_FAIL, 0, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
+			end if 
 			return {GET_FAIL, 0, string_next-1-offset-(ch!=-1), leading_whitespace} 
 		end if 
 	end while 
@@ -545,11 +626,6 @@ 
 -- A single call to ##get## will read in this entire sequence,  return its value as a result, and 
 -- return complementary information. 
--- The function get() is guaranteed to read a value produced by print().  It is often 
--- necessary to leave a new line between objects printed though.  The user should not use 
--- get() or value() to read number notations that use bases other than ten or sixteen. 
--- Hexadecimal values will not be read unless they are preceeded by a hash mark (#). 
 -- If a nonzero offset is supplied, it is interpreted as an offset to the current file 
 -- position; the file will start ##seek## from there first. 

[$]: cat getpru.ex  
include std/get.e 
sequence s = """{ 2, 2.5 /*  
ho * / 
 la */, 
14.69   -- segundo 
? value(s) 
[$]: eui getpru.ex  

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