Re: Try/Catch

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According to your explanation of Try/Catch syntax and behaviour - it has no place in Euphoria - it behaves like 'stoned goto'.

Spock's smart error code which is available to the caller is the real thing. I would say that using only functions for retrieving the smart error code is even more mature. No need to wrap the whole program/plug-in with error handler. If it's that bad - then get rid of it.

In martial art sports, you got light-weight, medium, heavy... in think in Taekwondo there about 7 or more different weights (I don't remember at all).
Then what you are suggesting is to take Euphoria (Mosquito-weight) and compete against C++ or Java (Very-Heavy-weight) - for what? for rewriting Firefox? for reinventing the wheel?

Euphoria users don't need that 'goto under L.S.D' called 'Try/Catch' - a simple error code available to the caller is enough for the scale and weight of Euphoria.

No - I don't want Euphoria to be frozen on stone (which is almost is) - I want to revive it. But apparently Euphoria is not going to be simple anymore. And not fun. If it will be at all, since OpenEuphoria strategy is dreamy.

If you want all options to be available in Euphoria - then just use some multi-million $ language. Why waste your time? Tell your costumers that we are living in "modern" time, and that they have to adopt themselves to Java, advs, viruses and fat.

Come on, are you going to wait till stable version 4.5 will be out? Euphoria has no money. face it and move on. there are so many languages out there.

I might do the same - or just go back to where I came from - picking oranges and weeding. It's better then paying for features I've never asked for.

Let's go pick oranges (you live in California, don't you?) - less money, less worries. smile

ps. I'm not sure that Euphoria users must have the 'Eighth Passenger/Alien' named 'eval' in their arsenal as well.

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