Re: Win32lib working on Seven 64 bits
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Feb 09, 2015
Win32lib used to crash on my Windows Seven PC trying to reboot the PC. I got it working again using the following combination:
I had to add following lines in win32lib.ew at the beginning of the Low level routines section (line 3647) to get it work:
ifdef BITS64 then public constant C_LONG_PTR = C_INT elsedef public constant C_LONG_PTR = C_LONG end ifdef
Now I can run a program that crashed before on Seven 64 bits, but it still can't be used with Matt's euwin32libide. It crashes without building an error file.
That's an incorrect definition. std/dll.e has the correct definition of this type:
ifdef BITS32 then public constant --** signed integer sizeof pointer C_LONG_PTR = C_LONG elsedef public constant C_LONG_PTR = C_LONGLONG end ifdef
It sounds like there's a bug with how that's being used somewhere. What problem did that fix for you?