wxTextCtrl in wxDialog
- Posted by evanmars Jan 13, 2015
Is it not permitted to use a wxTextCtrl in a wxDialog?
If so, how do I enter multiple values in a Dialog?
This fails with a machine-level exception when the Dialog is closed:
include wxeud.e constant main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "", -1, -1, 200, 320}), win = create( wxPanel, main ), dlg = create( wxDialog, {main, -1, "Dialog"}), TextControl1 = create( wxTextCtrl, {dlg, -1, "", 10, 20, 50, 20} ), TextControl2 = create( wxTextCtrl, {dlg, -1, "", 70, 20, 50, 20} ), TextControl3 = create( wxTextCtrl, {dlg, -1, "", 130, 20, 50, 20} ) show_modal( dlg ) destroy( dlg ) wxMain( main )