Re: text.e bugs?

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Eu4.1 on Archlinux64

field size = 12

[$]: eui prutext.ex  
 1 Printf:        32.00  Fmt A:        32.00 Fmt B:        32.00  Raw: 32  
 2 Printf:         1.20  Fmt A:         1.20 Fmt B:         1.20  Raw: 1.2  
 3 Printf:         1.23  Fmt A:         1.23 Fmt B:         1.23  Raw: 1.23  
 4 Printf:        -1.23  Fmt A:       (1.23) Fmt B:        -1.23  Raw: -1.23  
 5 Printf:       -45.60  Fmt A:      (45.60) Fmt B:       -45.60  Raw: -45.6  
 6 Printf:       -45.61  Fmt A:      (45.61) Fmt B:       -45.61  Raw: -45.61  
 7 Printf:      1499.46  Fmt A:     1,499.45 Fmt B:     1,499.45  Raw: 1499.459  
 8 Printf:      -267.46  Fmt A:     (267.45) Fmt B:     -,267.45  Raw: -267.456  
 9 Printf:   1234567.89  Fmt A: 1,234,567.89 Fmt B: 1,234,567.89  Raw: 1234567.893  
10 Printf:  -1234567.89  Fmt A: ,234,567.89) Fmt B: 1,234,567.89  Raw: -1234567.894  

field size = 14

[$]: eui prutext.ex  
 1 Printf:          32.00  Fmt A:          32.00 Fmt B:          32.00  Raw: 32  
 2 Printf:           1.20  Fmt A:           1.20 Fmt B:           1.20  Raw: 1.2  
 3 Printf:           1.23  Fmt A:           1.23 Fmt B:           1.23  Raw: 1.23  
 4 Printf:          -1.23  Fmt A:         (1.23) Fmt B:          -1.23  Raw: -1.23  
 5 Printf:         -45.60  Fmt A:        (45.60) Fmt B:         -45.60  Raw: -45.6  
 6 Printf:         -45.61  Fmt A:        (45.61) Fmt B:         -45.61  Raw: -45.61  
 7 Printf:        1499.46  Fmt A:       1,499.45 Fmt B:       1,499.45  Raw: 1499.459  
 8 Printf:        -267.46  Fmt A:       (267.45) Fmt B:       -,267.45  Raw: -267.456  
 9 Printf:     1234567.89  Fmt A:   1,234,567.89 Fmt B:   1,234,567.89  Raw: 1234567.893  
10 Printf:    -1234567.89  Fmt A: (1,234,567.89) Fmt B:  -1,234,567.89  Raw: -1234567.894 
in format function (std/text.e, line approx. 1870)

      if atom(currargv) then 
         if find('e', argtext) = 0 then 
            -- Only applies to non-scientific notation. 
            if decs != -1 then 
               pos = find('.', argtext) 
               if pos then 
                  if decs = 0 then 
                     argtext = argtext [1 .. pos-1 ] 
-- added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                     integer pflag = 0              -- parenthesis flag 
                     if msign and currargv < 0 then 
                        pflag = 1                   -- argtext = "(dd...d.dd...)" 
                     end if                               
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
--                   -- pos = length(argtext) - pos 
                     pos = length(argtext) - pos - pflag  -- without closing parenthesis 
                     if pos > decs then 
                        argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - pos + decs ] 
                     elsif pos < decs then 
--                      -- argtext = argtext & repeat('0', decs - pos) 
                        argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - pflag ] & repeat('0', decs - pos) 
                        -- except closing parenthesis 
-- added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                        if pflag then 
                           argtext &= ')'                  -- add closing parenthesis 
                        end if 
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                     end if 
                  end if 
               elsif decs > 0 then 
                  argtext = argtext & '.' & repeat('0', decs) 
              end if 
           end if 
         end if 
      end if 
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