Re: Try/Catch
- Posted by andi49 Jan 07, 2015
I've never used any exception handler in controller, and among the other programmers I knew, I'm considered to be very cautious.
At least we still have Euphoria 3.1.1 to enjoy the real thing. And we can kill the exceptions by calling DOS interrupts directly where needed. Machines love DOS.
what is your problem?
You do not like excetpion handlers? So, don't use it. That's all.
Don't like 'goto'? Don't use it..
Don't like 'OOP'? Don't use it.
For PLC's there is now CodeSys V3, used by over 300 mostly small to medium manufacturer, on the market since about 5 years.
It does support OOP and exception handling. But you do not have to use it!. You can still program like in the 80's
Even S7 from Siemens support this.
Giving people the freedom of choice is very important (from my point of view).
Go to the PC side (mean Desktop Computer). FPC (FreePascalCompiler) supports OOP and Exceptions and Standard Errorhandling.
But again, you do not have to use it...
You can still program like 30 years before, it works...
FPC gives you the choice.
It also supports a DOS Compiler.
Most of this is also true for FreeBasic, even Phyton (ok, no dos) etc.
Euphoria is really nice, and easy to use but a little evolution want hurt it.
Giving the People the choice to choose what they want is is really important.