- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Dec 16, 2000
Euman wrote about me launching html from Eu,, actually, i wrote how to get the launched html to auto-scroll a specific tag in the html. Dan Moyer did the actual launch of the *.htm file. What to write from Eu to a disk file for IE to display into a file, to an html target, expanded version: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; url=file:///C:/EUPHORIA/HTML/lib_p_r.htm#reverse"> </head> </html> You can leave out the <head></head> and put it all on one line too, like this: <html> <meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; url=file:///C:/EUPHORIA/HTML/lib_p_r.htm#reverse"> </html> ( that line prolly word-wrapped in your email reader, but it belongs on one line.) That way, when Eu is writing the new file out, it's just one write() operation. So Dan, how did you end up launching it, for best effect? Kat