Re: Euphoria to Java
- Posted by John <jwr6dmr at CS.COM> Dec 16, 2000
Ba hum bug.. I spent the last four days working on HTML to anything.. now my head really hurts. 1.Jscript Javascript are a little different and JAVA is a C++ on coffee... 2. Java hurts my eyes so I don't look at it.. javaScript is pretty cool.. I want to launch an application from the HTML ,browser window, but something is fighting me.. I can click a link and bam it pop ups and runs. I just can't figure how to get the code to do that .. I tried to call a batch file (with a euphoria thingie "ex prog.ex") and it gives me the download box ("run virus now or save for later?"),which defeats the whole purpose ... also everything about HTML is "transient" and getting any data to save to file is really hard... maybe I am doing this backwards and I should be calling HTMLs from euthoria so they can "show" their data and then close. But how would I past data to the HTML?